History Chapter 8 Lessons

LESSON 1- 218
Content: Social Science
Canada revisited C8
Learning Outcomes:
Over view of chapter 8
Pg 218-219
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able to….
Teaching Strategy:
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Debate
∆ Hands-on activity
∆Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw
∆ Coding for Importance
∆ Brainstorming
∆ Four Corners
∆Inside/Outside Circles
∆ Other: (describe)
Graphic Organizers
∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Place mat
Co-operative Learning
∆ Jigsaw
∆ Numbered Heads
∆ Gallery Tour
∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Graffiti
∆ Direct Teaching
∆ Learning Centres
∆ Role Playing
∆ demonstration
∆ Seminar/ Panel
Assessment: Assessment:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative What opportunities will you provide for peer and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
Learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand the big idea(s) and what knowledge and skills have been gained? (could be the culminating task)
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should understand at the end of the lesson.
Prerequisite Learning: Chapter 7
Critical Thinking
How can we make our government more responsible?
Lesson Preparation-Equipment/materials:
Power point
Students books
Canada Revisited book
Presentation paper (Place mat)
Classroom Management Strategies:
What will I need to do get attention of class and what are the repercussion of actions?
What is going on? (Open Discussion)

Approx. ___15-20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Questioning students
Open discussion
Approx. ___20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Start reading page 218-219
I read Definition review.

POD 1- Place mat key points for
Lord Durham. 221
Act of Union  222
Colonial Policy in Great Britain 223
Follow along
Quick notes
Break place mats into thirds. 1-Durham 2-Act of Union. 3. Colonial Policy.
Each member reads a paragraph out loud to the group. The group selects key points after each paragraph is read.
Groups writes on their place mat what they think is most important.
Groups walk around and ADD to posters
Consolidation: Approx. ___10____minutes
Revisiting the learning. Debrief etc. Identifying which student responses encompass the “Big Ideas”.
What Am I doing
What are students doing
TICKET OUT 2 per group.
Best thing you learned about your group.
Why is Durham important?
significance of Act of union.
Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time
amount Scribe
Use manipulative
Decrease time
Oral explanation
Include visuals
Change seating
Peer tutor/Partner
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate the-
Learning environment-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Assessment):
What alternative ways will you offer the students to demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write with spell check, etc.:
LESSON 2 page 224
Content: Social Science
Canada revisited 7
Learning Outcomes:
Students to understand a lot of changes are taking place during 1815-1838.
Understand that government structure for upper and lower Canada.
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able to….
Teaching Strategy:
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Hands-on activity
∆Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw
∆ Coding for Importance
∆ Brainstorming
∆ Four Corners
∆Inside/Outside Circles
∆ Other: (describe)
∆ Graphic Organizers
∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Placemat
∆ Co-operative Learning
∆ Jigsaw
∆ Numbered Heads
Gallery Tour
∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Graffiti
∆ Direct Teaching
Learning Centres
∆ Role Playing
∆ demonstration
∆ Seminar/ Panel
Assessment: Assessment:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative What opportunities will you provide for peer and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
Learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand the big idea(s) and what knowledge and skills have been gained? (could be the culminating task)
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should understand at the end of the lesson.
Prerequisite Learning: None
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking activities will you use to explore the topic?
Is it fair that women and most people were left out of making political decisions in Canada.
Lesson Preparation-Equipment/materials:
Power point
Students books
Canada Revisited book
Classroom Management Strategies:
What will I need to do get attention of class and what are the repercussion of actions?
Graffiti- Responsible government
Class demo of structure of government
Approx. ___15-20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Write Responsible government
Demo-organize students
Listening and moving
Class read 225. Start with first paragraph. Then students move to their own paragraph. Call randomly on students. No opt outs.
In pairs read pg 229 and answer page 230 quesitons-1. 2. 3 pick 2. 4.  HOME WORK
Approx. ___20-30____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Tell them there is a reward for top pic.
Remind homework

Info on test. Go over notes.

What Am I doing
What are students doing
Approx. ___10____minutes

Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time
amount Scribe
Use manipulative
Decrease time
Oral explanation
Include visuals
Change seating
Peer tutor/Partner
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate the-
Learning environment-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Assessment):
What alternative ways will you offer the students to demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write with spell check, etc.:
LESSON 3 –pg 231
Content: Social Science
Canada revisited 7
Learning Outcomes:
Students to understand a lot of changes are taking place during 1815-1838.
Understand that government structure for upper and lower Canada.
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able to….
Teaching Strategy:
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Debate
∆ Hands-on activity
∆Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw
∆ Coding for Importance
∆ Brainstorming
∆ Four Corners
Group work
∆Inside/Outside Circles
∆ Other: (describe)
∆ Graphic Organizers
∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Placemat
∆ Co-operative Learning
∆ Jigsaw
∆ Numbered Heads
∆ Gallery Tour
∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Graffiti
∆ Direct Teaching
∆ Learning Centres
∆ Role Playing
∆ demonstration
∆ Seminar/ Panel
Assessment: Assessment:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative What opportunities will you provide for peer and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
Learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand the big idea(s) and what knowledge and skills have been gained? (could be the culminating task)
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should understand at the end of the lesson.
Prerequisite Learning: None
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking activities will you use to explore the topic?
Is it fair that women and most people were left out of making political decisions in Canada.
Lesson Preparation-Equipment/materials:
Power point
Students books
Canada Revisited book
Classroom Management Strategies:
What will I need to do get attention of class and what are the repercussion of actions?
TICKET IN- Name two points (1 point for each side) per heading of Canada West/ Canada East
Party and leader, Allies in Legislature, Beliefs, and Voter support.
Approx. ___15-20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Post questions on projector.
Answering questions
PG 231- 6 groups you will present your city for capital. Successful- Organized, Well executed proposal. Convincing. Good use of stats. 5 minutes to get your point across. Presentation paper answer key points as described on pg 231. EVERYBODY must write their responsibility. Marked on how well you worked as a group.
10 min read
10 min write
5 organize for debate.
Debate in 30.
Approx. ___20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Walking around checking in
See if they need help
Working in groups
Writing on pages.
Announce who is the capital and WHY.
Go over important notes.
 Approx. ___10____minutes

What Am I doing
What are students doing
Any concerns or comments
Writing self evaluation for the work
Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time
amount Scribe
Use manipulative
Decrease time
Oral explanation
Include visuals
Change seating
Peer tutor/Partner
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate the-
Learning environment-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Assessment):
What alternative ways will you offer the students to demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write with spell check, etc.:
LESSON 4 - Page 233-236
Content: Social Science
Canada revisited 7
Learning Outcomes:
Students to understand a lot of changes are taking place during 1815-1838.
Understand that government structure for upper and lower Canada.
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able to….
Teaching Strategy:
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Debate
∆ Hands-on activity
∆Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw
∆ Coding for Importance
∆ Brainstorming
∆ Four Corners
∆Inside/Outside Circles
∆ Other: (describe)
∆ Graphic Organizers
∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Placemat
∆ Co-operative Learning
∆ Jigsaw (Handout)
∆ Numbered Heads
∆ Gallery Tour
∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Graffiti
Direct Teaching
∆ Learning Centres
∆ Role Playing
∆ demonstration
∆ Seminar/ Panel
Assessment: Assessment:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative What opportunities will you provide for peer and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
Learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand the big idea(s) and what knowledge and skills have been gained? (could be the culminating task)
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should understand at the end of the lesson.
Prerequisite Learning: None
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking activities will you use to explore the topic?
Is it fair that women and most people were left out of making political decisions in Canada.
Lesson Preparation-Equipment/materials:
Power point
Students books
Canada Revisited book
Classroom Management Strategies:
What will I need to do get attention of class and what are the repercussion of actions?
WITHOUT BOOK- Silently!!!
Name the cities that were trying to become capital of Canada.

Approx. ___15-20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Ensure that it is quietly
Writing on board
Direct instruction (teacher notes page)
Approx. ___20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Fill in questions to hand in.
 Approx. ___10____minutes
Revisiting the learning. Debrief etc. Identifying which student responses encompass the “Big Ideas”.
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Any concerns or comments
Explain that they are in charge of their own work
Asking away.
Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time
amount Scribe
Use manipulative
Decrease time
Oral explanation
Include visuals
Change seating
Peer tutor/Partner
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate the-
Learning environment-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Assessment):
What alternative ways will you offer the students to demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write with spell check, etc.:
LESSON 5 pg 237.239
Content: Social Science
Canada revisited 7
Learning Outcomes:
Students to understand a lot of changes are taking place during 1815-1838.
Understand that government structure for upper and lower Canada.
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able to….
Teaching Strategy:
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Debate
∆ Hands-on activity
∆Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw
∆ Coding for Importance
∆ Brainstorming
∆ Four Corners
∆Inside/Outside Circles
∆ Other: (describe)
∆ Graphic Organizers
∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Placemat
∆ Co-operative Learning
∆ Jigsaw
∆ Numbered Heads
∆ Gallery Tour
∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Graffiti
∆ Direct Teaching
∆ Learning Centres
∆ Role Playing
∆ demonstration
∆ Seminar/ Panel
Assessment: Assessment:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative What opportunities will you provide for peer and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
Learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand the big idea(s) and what knowledge and skills have been gained? (could be the culminating task)
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should understand at the end of the lesson.
Prerequisite Learning: None
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking activities will you use to explore the topic?
Is it fair that women and most people were left out of making political decisions in Canada.
Lesson Preparation-Equipment/materials:
Power point
Students books
Canada Revisited book
Classroom Management Strategies:
What will I need to do get attention of class and what are the repercussion of actions?
Arrange the class into 6 groups with equal numbers without using any sounds. If you speak then you will hand in a reflection about the importance of there being silence in our lives at certain points and the advantages of meditation.
Approx. ___15-20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Ensuring silently
Organizing themselves in groups
Give handout.
You will be a specialist in one of the sections. You will have 3 key points and you must defend them for relevance. When you have the three key points you will join other groups and everyone will complete the handout.
Group 1- Industry
Group 2- Before Responsible Government
Establishing Responsible Government (Year plus three points)
Group 3- Nova Scotia
Group 4 PEI
Group 5 New Brunswick
Group 6 Newfoundland
Approx. ___20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Walking around checking in
Question students.
Organizing groups
Filling out hand outs

Collect handout and go over important points.
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Any concerns or comments
Explain that they are in charge of their own work
Asking away.
Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time
amount Scribe
Use manipulative
Decrease time
Oral explanation
Include visuals
Change seating
Peer tutor/Partner
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate the-
Learning environment-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Assessment):
What alternative ways will you offer the students to demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write with spell check, etc.:
Lesson 6 ->Underground railroad.
Content: Social Science
Canada revisited 7
Learning Outcomes:
Students to understand a lot of changes are taking place during 1815-1838.
Understand that government structure for upper and lower Canada.
By the end of the lesson/task students will be able to….
Teaching Strategy:
Instructional Strategies:
∆ Hands-on activity
∆Think/Pair/Share: Think/Pair/Draw
∆ Coding for Importance
∆ Brainstorming
∆ Four Corners
∆Inside/Outside Circles
∆ Other: (describe)
Graphic Organizers
∆ Rapid Writing
∆ Placemat
Co-operative Learning
∆ Jigsaw
∆ Numbered Heads
∆ Gallery Tour
∆ Group Work/ Instructional Strategies
∆ Graffiti
Direct Teaching
∆ Learning Centres
∆ Role Playing
∆ demonstration
∆ Seminar/ Panel
Assessment: Assessment:
Assessment for Learning
(Diagnostic) How will you know what the students already know and can do related to this topic?
(Formative) What evidence will show what the students are learning as the lesson unfolds?
Assessment as Learning:
(Formative What opportunities will you provide for peer and/or self-assessment, setting/revisiting
Learning goals?
Assessment of Learning:
(Summative) How will you know how well they understand the big idea(s) and what knowledge and skills have been gained? (could be the culminating task)
Enduring Understanding(s)/Big Idea(s):
Use a statement(s) to describe what the students should understand at the end of the lesson.
Prerequisite Learning: None
Critical Thinking
What critical thinking activities will you use to explore the topic?
Is it fair that women and most people were left out of making political decisions in Canada.
Lesson Preparation-Equipment/materials:
Power point
Students books
Canada Revisited book
Classroom Management Strategies:
What will I need to do get attention of class and what are the repercussion of actions?
Modern slavery video.
Approx. ___15-20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Read page 240-241 on your own and write a letter to family about your experience. You can either be a slave trader or slave. Either way someone escaped. 1 page on computer doubled spaced or 2 pages hand written.
If you choose a slave- Must include why you wanted to leave? How you left your home and who helped you escape? The route you took to escape (start and end point)? Why you decided to put your life on the line to escape? Who did you leave behind? How you feel about the Emancipation Proclamation?
Trader- Why did the slave leave? Did you treat the slaves fairly? How did they get out and how will you track them down? What are the punishments for trying to escape? Do you feel that the slaves owe you because you were providing them work and shelter? How do you feel about the Emancipation Proclamation?
Approx. ___20____minutes
What Am I doing
What are students doing
Walking around answering questions
Reading talking writing

Consolidation: Approx. ___10____minutes

Quick review.

What Am I doing
What are students doing
Asking away.
Guided Practice: Sample guiding questions and prompts can go here:
Independent Practice: Approx. _______minutes
What accommodations and modifications (for students with IEP’s) will you make to support students with special needs or English Language Learners, etc.
Increase time
amount Scribe
Use manipulative
Decrease time
Oral explanation
Include visuals
Change seating
Peer tutor/Partner
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Lesson Delivery):
How will you differentiate the-
Learning environment-
Differentiated Instruction, Modifications and Accommodations (Assessment):
What alternative ways will you offer the students to demonstrate their knowledge? E.g., use a tape recorder to report, draw a picture, act in a play, write with spell check, etc.:

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