Students will need to
1. How to bump
2. How to volley
3. How to serve
4. How to return a serve
5. Set up for attack and defense
TGFU- Net wall has three
specific skills for net wall games
Ready position
Setting up for attack
Techniques for Net/Wall
Ready position
Move your feet
Use the right amount of force
Play the object up high enough
Keep your eye on the object
Follow through
Put the object into space
Return the object quickly
Face the target.
Play- Give only a small
amount of instructions the let them play. (1-1.5 min)
Discuss- What worked and
what did not work. How to make “us” better? (1-2 min)
Replay- Do the first
activity over and do better than the last time. (<1 min)
Discuss- Better or worse
and why? (1-2 min)
Practice- The skill or
focus of that day (5-10 min)
Play-Game or modified
activity (5-10 min)
Each class is about 30
min (minus 5 minutes for warm up) Plan for 25 minutes. First few lessons no
practices volleyball skills.
Lesson - Consistency-
Keep it up. (Focus Techniques)
Lesson - Consistency-
Wall bounce. (Focus Techniques)
Lesson - Setting up for
Attack-Serve it up- Volleyball need to know 3.
Lesson - Consistency-
Hit it!!- Bump- Volleyball 1 – 4
Lesson - Setting up for
Attack-Over the top- Volleyball 2
Lesson - Setting up for
Attack/Ready position- 2 Birdies not in my space- Volleyball need to know 5
Lesson - Ready position-
Friznet- Volleyball 3-5
Lesson – Game.
Lesson – Consistency-Keep
it up- Volleyball
Warm up 5 min
Play- Get into pairs and
keep up the object. Have Gator balls, birdies, paddles, badminton racquets, and
oversized volleyballs. Remind people with racquets to be careful when
playing around others. Call out 30 second challenge- how many times can you
keep it up?
Debrief- What made you
successful? Eye on target, throw high enough, move your feet, ready position
and follow through. Have Cards with skills ready so the students can hold up
the signs.
REPLAY- Replay the 30
second challenges.
Debrief. What is
the key to your success on the second turn? Why were you unsuccessful on second
Mock game- Work with or
against your partner to score a point. What is a point? You decided as a
team. Set space within the lines.
Lesson - Consistency- Wall bounce.
Warm up 5 min.
Play- Silently get into
pairs in your squads. If you are left over you may pick any group you would like. Get a piece of equipment Gator balls,
birdies, paddles, badminton racquets, and oversized volleyballs. Task is to
keep up the ball but it must bounce off the wall. 30 Second challenge keep up
as many times as possible.
Debrief- What makes you
successful at the task? Face target, eye on the target, right amount of force,
move your feet, ready position.
REPLAY- 30 Second challenge
again. Beat your old score.
Debrief- Who was successful? Why? Unsuccessful? Why?
DEMO- You can bounce the ball off the wall, throw the ball off the wall or strike the ball off the wall.
DEMO- You can bounce the ball off the wall, throw the ball off the wall or strike the ball off the wall.
Play- Work with or
against your partner to score a point. What is a point? You decided as a
team. BIG rule must hit the wall. Give 30 seconds again (don’t time them) and
then make the new rule. Make you partner move as much as possible. GO!!
Debrief- How did you
make your partner to move – Fake, place
into space, move feet ready position.
Lesson – Setting up for Attack-Over
the top- Volleyball 2
Warm up
Play- partners keep it up using two
hands over your head and a wall with your partner. How many times can you
complete the task in 30 sec?
Practice- DEMO volleying. With partner
in area pass back and forth using volley method. Window with hands with eye on the target. Arms come down and
push with right amount of force
and follow though.
Game-Over the top. Get into six’s. One
team on the line. Volley over the center teams head. Score a point on the
other side. Game up to 3 or 1 min and switch people in center and one
side. For younger kids teacher calls switch. If the “net” people catch the
ball you switch immediately. “Net” group must not leave the line selected. If
they leave the line then no switch.
Lesson - Consistency- Hit it!!- Bump-
Volleyball 1 – 4
Warm up
Play- With a partner grab 4 post-its (Or
pick places on the wall) and place them on the wall in a space you will
define with pylons. Task hit the targets as many times as you can with a
under swing.
Debrief-What skills do we need to hit
the target? How can we be more consistent?
Eye on target, follow though, right
force, face target.
Practice- DEMO bumping. Go step by step.
Ready position, arms out, hands, swing. Different ways. Throw up and catch
with forearm. Throw up and bump. Self throw and bump.
Kids bump for 5 minutes in pairs or
Now retry- HIT IT. Get in pair within
your squad.
Demo Game- Hit it. Pick two spots on the wall and
select a play space.
another set of people and you will either compete for highest Team score or
work together to get a really high score.
Lesson - Setting up for Attack/Ready
position- 2 Birdies not in my space (use bean bags or birdies)-
Volleyball need to know 5
Warm up
Play- Get a partner in your squad.
Teacher selects badminton space. Use hula hoop as NET. Object can not land
inside hula hoop or physical task. Select a space and tell students if
object leaves space physical task.
Each player pair in rows. The game is
throw one birdie short then throw one long. Do 5 rotations with your partner.
The object is to make the other person move. If the person catches the object
the thrower must do 10 jumping jacks. Throw one at a time. If person
opposite does not have to move to collect both objects thrower does 10
jumping jacks.
Debrief. How did you make the person
across from you move?
Replay- This time make your partner move
as must as possible.
Game-Stop class. Add one more object and
in your pairs your job is to keep the objects out of your space. If the
objects leave the playing field, the person who throws the object gives the
other person a point. If all three objects are in your space the other person
gets a point.
Lesson - Ready position- Friznet-
Volleyball 3-5
Warm up
Play- grab a Frisbee and passes it back
and forth with a partner. How many in 1 min? how many drops?
Debrief-how is this like other things we
have played? Follow through. Right amount of force.
Debrief- Better or worse and why?
Introduce net-Safety and how to use
Game- Everyone on the team must touch the Frisbee ONCE ONLY
then over the net. AFTER 5 minuets. You can only make two passes and then it
must go over the net. MODIFY add another Frisbee. 6x6 put it into
space score when person does not catch the Frisbee or out of bounds.
Lesson- Game
Play- picks a space on the wall and bump and volley to yourself.
Debrief- what are working towards
Pre game- practice 5 underhand serves
Game- Explain rotations. Each play is a point. Quick games up to
3-5. Switch teams. Maybe ½ court games.
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